Below, Please find links to published articles, videos, and media coverage about EnerGaia.
Link | Title | Summary | Publication | Medium | Language | Date |
Earthrise - Al Jazeera - Rooftop Farming | Introducing microalgae to the masses with spirulina rooftop farming. Join Russell Beard of Al Jazeera's Earthrise does a special on EnerGaia and Bangkok based spirulina production. | Al Jazeera - Earthrise | Video | EN | 12/16/2014 | |
Grüne Bakterien-Paste statt Soja | In Thailands Hauptstadt Bangkok züchtet ein Start-up-Unternehmen Spirulina auf Dächern. Derzeit ist die Produktion der Bakterien, die im Volksmund als Blaualgen bezeichnet werden, noch gering. Dank des hohen Eiweißgehalts der Spirälchen wären sie aber ein umweltfreundlicher Ersatz für Soja. | Klimaretter | Article | DE | 10/22/2013 | |
都市で育つスーパーフードの可能性 タイ | 都市農業運動はマンションのバルコニーで、趣味で始めた人が育てた鉢植えのハーブや水耕栽培のレタスから、長い道を歩んできた。企業家の集団がエネガイアという会社を立ち上げ、環境に優しいスーパーフード「スピルリナ」の量産に成功した。干上がった不毛地帯のバンコクの高層ビルの屋上を農場にすることもできる。 | The Asahi Shimbun | Article | JP | 9/20/2014 | |
Impact Journalism Day: Urban farming reaches new heights | Start-up grows eco-friendly food Spirulina on rooftops of high-rise buildings in Bangkok. | The Nation, Thailand | Article | EN | 09/20/2014 | |
Thailand: Algae Answers | NHK World broadcast featuring urban farming of Spirulina in Bangkok by EnerGaia Co., Ltd. | NHK World | Video | EN | 6/2/2014 | |
Growing a meat alternative on Bangkok's rooftops | Urban farming can be a source of fresh and sustainable food even in some of the world’s most polluted cities. EnerGaia, a Thai company that works with hotels, businesses and other building owners, is using previously unused rooftops to produce spirulina, an edible cyanobacteria which, if harvested on a large scale, could be used as a high-protein, sustainable alternative to meat. | | Video | EN | 2/18/2014 | |
The Green Roof Revolution | Saumil Shah and his enterprise Energaia are introducing spirulina to the Thai market while working to keep their carbon footprint to a minimum. | Masala Magazine | Article (pdf) | EN | 12/01/2013 | |
คุยกันวันเสาร์ / สาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า โนโวเทล | ช่วง"Saturday Talk" คุณก๊อตและคุณแหวน ร่วมพูดคุยกับ ผู้บริหารของโรงแรมโนโวเทล กรุงเทพ สยามสแควร์ ถึงแนวคิดในการแปลงสภาพชั้นดาดฟ้าของโรงแรม มาเป็นฟาร์มเพาะเลี้ยงสาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า | TNN24 - Saturday Talk | Video | TH | 10/30/2013 | |
ห้องอาหารเดอะสแควร์ / คุยกันวันเสาร์ Style Unlimited | ช่วง"Style Unlimited" กับการนำสาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่าจากฟาร์มบนชั้นดาดฟ้าของโรงแรมฯ มาปรุงเป็นอาหารหลากหลายเมนู ที่ห้องอาหารเดอะสแควร์ | Bangkok Voice - Style Unlimited | Video | TH | 10/24/2013 | |
ໂຮງແຮມໃນບາງກອກເອົາ ສາລ່າຍນໍ້າຈືດ ຫລື ໄຄ ມາປຸງແຕ່ງອາຫານ | ຊັ້ນດາດຟ້າຂອງໂຮງແຮມແຫ່ງນຶ່ງ ໃນນະຄອນຫລວງ ບາງກອກຂອງໄທ ໄດ້ກາຍມາເປັນບ່ອນເພາະປູກສາລ່າຍ ນໍ້າຈືດ ສໍາລັບໃຊ້ເປັນອາຫານ ຊຶ່ງພວກທີ່ສະ ໜັບສະໜຸນເວົ້າວ່າ ເປັນອາຫານທີ່ດີເລີດ ຫຼື super food ສໍາລັບທັງພວກປະເທດທີ່ຈະເລີນແລ້ວ ແລະພວກປະເທດພວກພັດທະນາ. | VOA Laos | Video | LO | 10/24/2013 | |
Algae Operation Makes Super-Food Even Greener | Rooftop production allows Bangkok-based EnerGaia to produce large quantities of spirulina in a short period of time. | Earth 911 | Article | EN | 10/23/2013 | |
Algae Farming On Bangkok Rooftops | In Bangkok local downtown restaurants now serve fresh algae in their meals. The innovative rooftop farmers of EnerGaia have discovered that the rooftops of the city’s skyscrapers are perfect spots for producting the green vitamin-rich power food. | Popup City | Article | EN | 10/12/2013 | |
Phong trào nuôi tảo trên nóc nhà ở Bangkok Thái Lan | Nguồn VTV.VN Phong trào nuôi tảo trên nóc nhà ở Bangkok Thái Lan | Vietnam TV2 | Video | VI | 10/11/2013 | |
เวิลด์วายด์ว้าว : สไปรูลิน่า บนยอดตึกไทย | ก็เพราะบนหลังคาของโรงแรมแห่งนี้อยู่ในประเทศไทย เขาใช้เป็นสถานที่เพาะเลี้ยง "สาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า" กันแล้ว โดยใช้วิธีเพาะเลี้ยงในถังขนาดใหญ่ ที่บรรจุสาหร่ายไว้ด้านใน นำไปตั้งไว้กลางแจ้ง ที่มีแสงอาทิตย์เพียงพอต่อการสังเคราะห์แสงของสาหร่าย อย่างบนยอดตึกหรือดาดฟ้า ผู้เพาะเลี้ยงสาหร่ายคนนี้ บอกว่า สภาพแวดล้อมของไทยเหมาะสมที่สุดต่อการเพาะเลี้ยงสาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า เห็นได้จากการเจริญเติบโตที่เร็วมาก แม้ปกติมันจะเป็นพืชที่เกิดขึ้นเองตามธรรมชาติ พบมากในประเทศเม็กซิโก และแอฟริกาตะวันตก ก็ตาม แต่ทุกวันนี้ไม่เสมอไป ขอเพียงมีแสงแดด และอุณหภูมิที่พอเหมาะ ใครๆ ก็เพาะเลี้ยงสาหร่ายชนิดนี้ได้ สาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า เป็นที่นิยมบริโภคในหมู่คนรักสุขภาพ เพราะสรรพคุณของมันคือช่วยบำรุงร่ายกาย ปัจจุบันมีจำหน่ายทั้งแบบสาหร่ายสดและแปรรูป | Thai Channel 7 - World Wide Wow | Video | TH | 10/02/2013 | |
Bangkok Hotel Takes Algae from Rooftop to Buffet | BANGKOK — On his flaming wok, a chef in a Bangkok hotel is adding an unusual ingredient to several dishes that will be set out on the buffet. | Voice of America - Thailand | Article, Video | EN | 09/24/2013 | |
Bangkok Hotel Takes Algae from Rooftop to Buffet | The rooftop of a hotel in Thailand has been turned into an unusual farm for freshwater algae. Proponents tout the aquatic single-celled organism as a superfood for both advanced countries and the developing world. VOA Correspondent Steve Herman reports from Bangkok. | VOA | Video | EN | 09/24/2013 | |
Rooftop algae a growth industry in Bangkok | Urban algae farming is gaining a foothold in Bangkok with the rooftop of one big hotel supporting a small but flourishing algae industry. Algae is well known as a source of biofuel, but the species being cultivated on the roof of the Novotel produces Spirulina, a vitamin-rich, so-called "superfood". Tara Cleary reports. | Reuters | Video | EN | 09/23/2013 | |
urban farming of edible algae on bangkok skyscraper rooftops | dozens of barrels of green liquid bubble on a rooftop in bangkok, part of an agricultural operation that contributes to an innovative form of urban farming. | Design Boom | Article | EN | 09/08/2013 | |
Sui tetti di Bangkok si coltiva il cibo del futuro: la spirulina. | Sui tetti di Bangkok si coltiva il cibo del futuro: la spirulina. Alga edibile a basso impatto ambientale e alto valore nutritivo. | Contro Corrente | Video | IT | 08/28/2013 | |
Edible Algae: Thai-Style Urban Farming Includes Sustainable Rooftop Cultivation Of Spirulina | South China Morning Post reports that the latest innovation in urban farming does not focus on soil or seeds, tomato plants or mint leaves. | Medical Daily | Article | EN | 08/27/2013 | |
Des algues comestibles cultivées sur les toits de Bangkok | En Thaïlande, une entreprise propose une source originale de protéines, la spiruline, qu'elle cultive... sur les toits. Cette algue est la dernière innovation de l'agriculture urbaine, idéale dans une mégalopole qui manque de place. | AFP | Video | FR | 08/27/2013 | |
Jedlé sinice na střechách Bangkoku novinkou v městském farmaření | V bioreaktorech na rozpálených střechách thajské metropole pěstují výživné vláknité sinice rodu Arthrospira, obchodně známé jako spiruliny. Kdo překoná nedůvěru vůči zelenému bahnu, dočká se porce bohaté na chlorofyl, proteiny a vitamíny. | OSEL - Czech | Article | CZ | 08/27/2013 | |
Rooftop urban gardeners in Bangkok grow edible algae — a sustainable souce of protein and alternative to meat | On a hotel rooftop in Bangkok, dozens of barrels of green liquid bubble under the sun — the latest innovation in urban farming. | Agence France-Presse | Article | EN | 08/27/2013 | |
На крышах домов Бангкока выращивают спирулину | На крышах домов Бангкока выращивают спирулину - Новости. Утро - Интер | Morning News - Inter | Video | RU | 08/27/2013 | |
Edible algae -- coming to a rooftop near you? | On a hotel rooftop in Bangkok, dozens of barrels of green liquid bubble under the sun -- the latest innovation in urban farming. It may not look like it, but this green goo is an algae called spirulina -- a rich source of protein, antioxidants and nutrients. | AFP | Video | EN | 08/27/2013 | |
Des algues vertes et comestibles sur les toits de Bangkok | Sur un toit de Bangkok, des dizaines de barils remplis de liquide vert bouillonnent sous le soleil. A l'intérieur, de la spiruline. Cette algue est la dernière innovation de l'agriculture urbaine, mais aussi selon ses partisans une source alternative de protéines. | Agence France-Presse | Article | FR | 08/27/2013 | |
เมนูยอดลดน้ำหนัก ทำจากสาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่า โดย เดอะสแควร์ โรงแรม โนโวเทล กรุงเทพ สยามสแควร์ | รายการเพื่อเธอมาลิ้มลองเมนูจากสาหร่ายสไปรูลิน่าเลิศรสที่ The SQUARE โรงแรม โนโวเทล กรุงเทพ สยามสแควร์ | Thai Television | Video | TH | 08/15/2013 | |
Green Matters | Hotels are stepping up their eco-initiatives — proving that big or small — everything matters in efforts to make this world a greener and better place. | Look East Magazine | Article | EN | 06/10/2013 | |
Sustainable Food Production and Protein Security - Is Spirulina the answer? | It is clear that food production using current practices cannot meet our growing needs. What can be done? EnerGaia has the idea to grow the highly nutritious microalgae, Spirulina, in large amounts on non-arable land around the world. We have started by urban farming it in the heart of downtown Bangkok, and are looking to expand. Please allow us to share our story with you on how we feel that sustainable Spirulina production could be a significant part of the food security answer. | Net Impact at Sasin | Video | EN | 05/24/2013 | |
Fresh Skyline Spirulina | Presentation about Spirulina's physical and nutritional properties as well as EnerGaia's innovative fresh Spirulina urban farming in downtown Bangkok, Thailand | EnerGaia Prezi | Presentation | EN | 05/17/2013 | |
Innovative rooftop farming project by Novotel Bangkok on Siam Square on "I Like" | Underway since November, the hotel has teamed up with EnerGaia Co., Ltd to grow Spirulina on the hotel's rooftop. Dedicating 130SQM of previously unused roof space, this project is on pace to produce more than 2 tons of highly nutritious vegetarian protein per year utilizing ambient urban carbon dioxide. | I Like - Thai media | Video | TH | 05/08/2013 | |
Rooftop Farming | Rooftops of many buildings in Bangkok are largely used to house water tanks and most often unused at all. In Singapore, all building owners are encouraged by the government to grow trees on their rooftops, to add the greenliness to the urbanised city. | Corporate Social Responsibility Thailand | Article | EN | 01/25/2013 | |
EnerGaia Spirulina | EnerGaia founder Saumil Shah describes the company's efforts to produce a sustainable food source. The company's innovative approach has allowed for the use of urban rooftop space for the cultivation of microalgae including Spirulina, and the closed system design allows for the removal of airborne contaminates that would otherwise absorb into the final product. The end result is some of the cleanest and freshest Spirulina available anywhere in the world. The urban setting of the production facility allows for the delivery of fresh perishable Spirulina to the end user within hours of harvest. | EnerGaia | Video | EN | 01/06/2013 | |
Des algues vertes et comestibles sur les toits de Bangkok | EnerGaia est une entreprise qui fait pousser de la spiruline sur les toits de Bangkok. La recolte s'effectue trois fois par semaine. La spiruline est un tres bon apport proteique, on peut obtenir l'equivqlent de l'apport proteique d'un kilo de viande de boeuf en seulement une semaine (contre 6 mois pour la viande). L'entreprise est la seule a produire de la spiruline fraiche qui a de meilleures qualites nutritives. | L'OBS | Article | FR | 08/27/2013 | |
La spiruline : l'algue qui pourrait remplacer la viande dans nos assiettes | L'algue verte et gluante poussant sur les toits de Bangkok pourrait-elle remplacer la viande et le poisson? C'est ce que pense l'equipe d'EnerGaia. La spiruline ne donne transforme pas le gout des aliments mais leur donne une couleur verte. Elle etait deja utilisee chez les Incas et se trouve aujourd'hui principalement sous forme de complements alimentaires. | RTL | Article | FR | 08/27/2013 | |
Des algues comestibles cultivées sur les toits de Bangkok | Les grattes ciel de Bangkok sont le lieu ideal pour cultiver de la spiruline. Cet aliment possede un tres bon apport proteique. Certains chefs de Bangkok l'utilisent dans leurs plats | France Info / Geopolis | Article | FR | 08/11/2013 | |
Las azoteas de Bangkok, un vivero de superalimentos como la spirulina | Una empresa de Bangkok crece spirulina sobre los techos de la ciudad. La spirulina es utilisada contra la malnutricion. La situcion geografica y la exposicion al sol de los techos estan perfectas para el crecemiento de las algas. Para el futuro, EnerGaia expecte nuevos productos con mayor longevidad. | La Vanguardia | Article | SP | 05/11/2015 | |
Unsung heroes of science | Today's world is changing. We are facing challenges we never had to face before. More than ever it's vital to find answer. | DSM | Video | EN | 06/24/2015 | |
Urban Farming in Bangkok: Growing Spirulina on Rooftops | Mr Saumil Shah describes his company EnerGaia and how they grow spirulina on the rooftops. | ThaiLaw Forum | Video | EN | 03/14/2016 | |
Is spirulina the new kale? A Thai startup is bringing back the tiny green algae | EnerGaia is a Bangkok startup that grow spirulina in the rooftops such as the Novotel Siam Square one. Th company has grown of 200 percent during the last 2 years. Saumil Shah the director think that the project can have a great environmental impact and a positive impact on food safety. | The Guardian | Article | EN | 04/07/2016 | |
ENERGAIA Eat well. Live better. Grow spirulina. | The challenge of EnerGaia is to create alternative food sources creating spirulina farms on urban rooftops. It permits to enhance sustainably local diet and create a reliable income. | InnovationXchallenge | Article+video | EN | 2015 | |
USA’S ENGINEER STARTED AN URBAN SPIRULINA FARM IN BANGKOK | Algae cultivation use minimal resources. Saumil Shah an ingeneer from USA created EnerGaia, a company that grow spirulina on the Bangkok's rooftops, even some some loss and mistakes, the adventure always goes on. Presently 300kg of spirulina each month. | Algae world news | Article | EN | 05/16/2016 | |
Harvesting the food of the future on a Bangkok rooftop | Are Bangkok’s fledgling urban rooftop farms a hidden goldmine for hotels and hospitality businesses? Meet the hoteliers and entrepreneurs proving that environment-focused partnerships are the best marketing tool a business can have | South East Asia Globe | Article | EN | 10/28/2016 | |
RENCONTRE AVEC SAUMIL SHAH, FONDATEUR D’ENERGAÏA | Energaïa est une entreprise thaïlandaise qui cultive de la spiruline sur les toits de Bangkok. La spiruline est une micro-algue considérée comme un super-aliment. A titre comparatif, c’est 3 fois plus de protéines et 23 fois plus de fer que dans les protéines animales pour une production nécessitant des ressources bien moindres. | Food and globe | Article | FR | 01/16/2017 | |
De la spiruline sur les toits de Bangkok ! | Food&Globe en THAÏLANDE à la découverte de l'algue d'or qui risque fort de remplir toutes nos assiettes d'ici 2050 ! | Food and globe | Video | FR + EN | 01/18/2017 | |
Rooftop Urban Agriculture | "Since 2011, EnerGaia has operated a facility for the commercial production of the microalgae Spirulina on the rooftop of the Novotel in the Siam area of Bangkok." | Francesco Orsini, Marielle Dubbeling, Henk de Zeeuw, Giorgio Gianquinto | Book | EN | 2017 | |
TECH4FARMERS CHALLENGE PARTNERS ANNOUNCE WINNERS: E-FISHERY & ENERGAIA | Today, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) together with Kasetsart University and Winrock International announced the winners of the Tech4Farmers Challenge that sought ways to improve the agricultural productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma) and Nepal. | USAID | Article | EN | 01/24/2017 | |
Spirulina, a food for all | Can spirulina become a current food, for both nutrition and pleasure and as a source of green ecological proteins? How? | La voie bleue by Sarah Fernandez | Scientific poster | EN | 07/2017 | |
Urban Farming revisited. | La montée de l'agriculture urbaine est imparable. A Bangkok ils vont encore plus loin. Ils ont nottament découvert que les toits des gratte-ciel offre un sol fertile pour la culture d'algues . | Food inspiration | Article | FR | 10/17/2017 | |
Urban farming of edible algae on bangkok skyscraper rooftops | Dozens of barrels of green liquid bubble on a rooftop in bangkok, part of an agricultural operation that contributes to an innovative form of urban farming. made possible by sustainable food production company energaia, the containers are filled with an edible algae called spirulina | Designboom | Article | EN | 10/17/2017 | |
Spirulina: The New and Old Superfood | An aerospace engineer by training, he announced he was leaving his job with General Electric, moving to Southeast Asia, and learning to harness the power of algae. All of this change was for the sake of a resolution he deemed worthy: doing something on a large scale to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. After a few minor and major obstacles, Saumil created a modern system with a small environmental footprint to mass produce a 3.5 billion year old product: spirulina | Conservation X | Article | EN | 11/30/2017 | |
EnerGaia’s rival new production method for Spirulina | The EnerGaia company in Thailand is producing a superior quality Spirulina after creating a unique bioreactor design that saves water, is cost effective and provides a solution to the temperamental growing conditions of this impressive algae. | Designindaba | Article | EN | 4/28/2018 | |
From the Bioreactor to the Plate: Addressing the Global Food Challenge with Algae | Scientists and policy makers are considering how to reengineer the entire food system. By the year 2050, the world population will exceed 9 billion resulting in a need for a 70% increase in food production. Since current raw materials and conventional production methods are not sufficient to meet the increased demand, engineers are turning to algae. Algae’s high protein levels make them a viable alternative food source. Innovative production and product development of algae along the entire food value chain has the potential to affect a broad range of market sectors | ETH Zurich | Article | EN | 2018 | |
Sur les toits des villes : Bangkok | Importante place économique et financière de l’Asie du Sud-Est, Bangkok est aussi l’une des capitales de l’architecture bouddhiste. Entre retraite spirituelle, culture de la spiruline, cours de boxe thaïlandaise, élevage de pigeons et soirées festives, les toits de la ville offrent un riche éventail d’activités aux habitants. | Arte | TV Program | FR | 09/2015 | |
MEET SAUMIL SHAH | Giving entrepreneurs in developing economies like Bangladesh the opportunity to boost their local economy by farming one of the world’s truly sustainable superfoods? It’s the ultimate people-planet-profit proposition. And thanks to one young scientist and his company EnerGaia it’s fast becoming a reality. Spirulina is now being grown everywhere from urban Singapore to the rural Indian village of Madurai (and has even been licensed in France). But it all started in another bustling Asian city… | Science can change the world | Article | EN | ||
THREE STEPS TO $3 MILLION How Winrock is helping jumpstart an edible algae business. | Could algae address the coming food crisis and provide additional income for women? A European investment firm answered that question with a resounding ‘Yes!’ with their $3 million stake into EnerGaia, a spirulina cultivation technology firm based in Thailand and actively supported by USAID’s Feed the Future Asia Innovative Farmers Activity. To bring this critical funding to fruition, the activity worked closely and carefully with EnerGaia through three stages of support: validity, viability and visibility. | Winrock | Article | EN | ||
Green movement: EnerGaia bets on spirulina | The maker of the algae based protein source wants to feed the world | Bangkok Post | Article | EN | 02/04/2019 |